Similar to prior versions of the Perkins Act, Perkins V calls for a national evaluation of career and technical education programs funded under the Act. The Institute of Education Sciences' National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance is leading the current national evaluation.
The national evaluation will draw on a variety of data sources and studies for its assessment of CTE. New surveys of all state directors of CTE and a nationally representative sample of district coordinators of CTE will be conducted in 2023 to collect information about Perkins implementation. Trends in CTE participation and outcomes will be obtained by analyzing other national data, including those from the National Center for Education Statistics, Perkins V performance reports, and labor market repositories. To identify and report on the effectiveness of key CTE strategies, the evaluation will review rigorously conducted research, where it already exists, and consider conducting new studies of CTE approaches.
Adam Flynn-Tabloff
(202) 987-1410