State Allocations

Each year under the Perkins statute, Congress appropriates approximately $1.4 billion dollars in State formula grant funds under Title I (Basic State Grants) to develop more fully the academic knowledge and technical and employability skills of secondary and postsecondary education students who elect to enroll in career and technical education programs and programs of study.

2024 State Allocations
Estimated Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 State Allocations under the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006, as amended by the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V)
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2023 State Allocations
Estimated Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 State Allocations under the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006, as amended by the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V)
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2022 State Allocations
Estimated Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 State Allocations under the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006, as amended by the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V)
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2021 State Allocations
Estimated Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 State Allocations under the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006, as amended by the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V)
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2020 State Allocations
Estimated Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 State Allocations under the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006, as amended by the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V)
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2019 State Allocations
Estimated Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 State Allocations under the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006, as amended by the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V)
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2023 Funding Distributions
State Basic Grant (Title I) Allocation in 2023 (PDF, 5KB)
State Administration in 2023 (PDF, 7KB)
State Basic Grant (Title I) Administration and Match in 2023 (PDF, 7KB)
State Leadership Activities in 2023 (PDF, 7KB)
State Leadership Set-Asides in 2023 (PDF, 11KB)
State Institutional Allocations in 2023 (PDF, 7KB)
State Institutional Set-Asides in 2023 (PDF, 10KB)
Special Populations Recruitment Allocations in 2023 (PDF, 8KB)
Split Secondary and Postsecondary Awards in 2023 (PDF, 10KB)
Special Reserve Amounts in 2023 (PDF, 8KB)
2022 Funding Distributions
State Basic Grant (Title I) Allocation in 2022 (PDF, 5KB)
State Administration in 2022 (PDF, 7KB)
State Basic Grant (Title I) Administration and Match in 2022 (PDF, 7KB)
State Leadership Activities in 2022 (PDF, 7KB)
State Leadership Set-Asides in 2022 (PDF, 11KB)
State Institutional Allocations in 2022 (PDF, 7KB)
State Institutional Set-Asides in 2022 (PDF, 10KB)
Special Populations Recruitment Allocations in 2022 (PDF, 8KB)
Split Secondary and Postsecondary Awards in 2022 (PDF, 10KB)
Special Reserve Amounts in 2022 (PDF, 8KB)
2021 Funding Distributions
State Basic Grant (Title I) Allocation in 2021 (PDF, 5KB)
State Administration in 2021 (PDF, 7KB)
State Basic Grant (Title I) Administration and Match in 2021 (PDF, 7KB)
State Leadership Activities in 2021 (PDF, 7KB)
State Leadership Set-Asides in 2021 (PDF, 11KB)
State Institutional Allocations in 2021 (PDF, 7KB)
State Institutional Set-Asides in 2021 (PDF, 10KB)
Special Populations Recruitment Allocations in 2021 (PDF, 8KB)
Split Secondary and Postsecondary Awards in 2021 (PDF, 10KB)
Special Reserve Amounts in 2021 (PDF, 8KB)
2020 Funding Distributions
State Basic Grant (Title I) Allocation in 2020 (PDF, 5KB)
State Administration in 2020 (PDF, 7KB)
State Basic Grant (Title I) Administration and Match in 2020 (PDF, 7KB)
State Leadership Activities in 2020 (PDF, 7KB)
State Leadership Set-Asides in 2020 (PDF, 11KB)
State Institutional Allocations in 2020 (PDF, 7KB)
State Institutional Set-Asides in 2020 (PDF, 10KB)
Special Populations Recruitment Allocations in 2020 (PDF, 8KB)
Split Secondary and Postsecondary Awards in 2020 (PDF, 10KB)
Special Reserve Amounts in 2020 (PDF, 8KB)
2019 Funding Distributions
State Basic Grant (Title I) Allocation in 2019 (PDF, 5KB)
State Administration in 2019 (PDF, 7KB)
State Basic Grant (Title I) Administration and Match in 2019 (PDF, 7KB)
State Leadership Activities in 2019 (PDF, 7KB)
State Leadership Set-Asides in 2019 (PDF, 11KB)
State Institutional Allocations in 2019 (PDF, 7KB)
State Institutional Set-Asides in 2019 (PDF, 10KB)
Special Populations Recruitment Allocations in 2019 (PDF, 8KB)
Split Secondary and Postsecondary Awards in 2019 (PDF, 10KB)
Special Reserve Amounts in 2019 (PDF, 8KB)
Prior Approval Authority Regarding Program Income for Perkins V Eligible Recipients and Subrecipients, issued September 6, 2019
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Notification Letter Regarding Department's Rescinding of Perkins IV Q&As, issued August 26, 2019
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Program Memorandum Regarding Program Income, issued February 5, 2016
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