National Initiatives / CTE Correctional Education

CTE Correctional Education


Correctional education is a fundamental component of rehabilitative programming offered in juvenile justice confinement facilities, most American prisons, and many jails and detention centers. Correctional populations are over-represented with individuals having below average levels of educational attainment. Education "behind bars" presents an opportunity for the incarcerated to prepare for success upon release. The Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education has funded numerous initiatives designed to improve educational opportunities for incarcerated and formerly incarcerated initiatives. Information about two of these initiatives is below.

Young Adult Diversion

Young Adult Diversion: Connecting Justice-Involved Young Adults to Education and Training

The Young Adult Diversion Project helped state and local partnerships provide their justice-involved young adult population with alternatives to prosecution and/or incarceration, including special education, career and technical education, and other workforce development opportunities.

Juvenile Reentry

The Juvenile Justice Reentry Education Program: Opening Doors to College and Careers through Career and Technical Education (JJREP) was a discretionary grant program that funded career and technical education (CTE) programs in juvenile justice facilities, along with comprehensive post-release CTE and training, as well as wrap around reentry supports and services.


OCTAE Contact

Sean Addie
(202) 245-7374

Sherene Donaldson