New State CTE Director's Orientation Session

The Division of Academic and Technical Education (DATE) is hosting the New State CTE Director's Orientation Session on Sunday, May 22, 2016, from 1:00pm - 4:00pm ET. The session will be held in the same location as the Advance CTE's Spring Leadership Meeting beginning the following day (Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, 2660 Woodley Road, NW, Washington, DC).

Attendees of the New State CTE Director's Orientation will learn more about DATE's annual activities and requirements, including the Perkins grant award cycle, State plan submission process, and Consolidated Annual Report (CAR) process. The session will also address Perkins IV non-regulatory guidance, the new Uniform Guidance, monitoring, and the impact of single audits.

Please note that while this session will be geared primarily towards new State CTE Directors, it is open to seasoned State Directors and /or new State CTE staff.

Register for the New State CTE Director's Orientation »


May 22, 2016


1:00 PM - 4:00 PM ET



Edward Smith