Intentional design and implementation of career pathways are important to advance the achievement of students of color at community colleges. Ms. Robin Fernkas, from the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), will share insights for using DOL resources to create and strengthen career pathways programs. Ms. Laura Ellsworth and Ms. Aundrea Wheeler of Prince George’s Community College (PGCC) will discuss PGCC’s process to tailor the Guided Pathways program to best meet student needs. Webinar participants will learn about tools and strategies for improving career pathways programs, along with clear examples of how these tools can be put into action.
Robin Fernkas
Senior Research Associate, Director, Division of Strategic Investments, U.S. Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration
Laura Ellsworth
Associate Dean, Health, Business and Public Service, Prince George’s Community College
Aundrea Wheeler
Assistant Vice President, Curriculum, Programs and Regulation, Prince George’s Community College