High School CTE Pre-Application Webinar

A pre-application webinar for all interested grant applicants will be held on June 22, 2017 at 2:00 PM EST. Registration is required for the event– please register at the WebEx URL below.

WebEx Link and Dial-in

All sound and video can be accessed through the web link, but if you have technical difficulties, you can access the audio using the following dial-in information:

  • Dial-in: (240) 454-0879
  • Event number / access code: 662 864 634

The webinar will be broadcast via WebEx and requires you to download the WebEx plug-in. Please note that the plug-in will not install if your browser has high security settings or you do not have administrative rights. For your reference, the full WebEx system requirements are available here.


June 22, 2017


2:00 PM - 3:00 PM ET