Requirements for FY 2022 Perkins V Grant Awards:
Requirements and Instructions for the Submission of Perkins V State Plan Revisions and Budgets for Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 Grant Awards – OMB Approval Number: 1830-0029 (PDF, 263 KB)
Each State must prepare the following:
Submission Process and Timeline: Each state must submit the applicable items listed above to the Perkins State Plan Portal by May 20, 2022; however, states that included Perkins as part of a WIOA combined state plan must instead submit any narrative revisions as part of its two-year modification to the WIOA State Plan Portal by March 15, 2022 and any other applicable items to the Perkins State Plan Portal by May 20, 2022.
For Further Information: Please feel free to contact your Perkins Regional Coordinator (PRC) if you have any questions regarding the requirements and submission instructions for your FY 2022 Perkins V grant award. A State-by-State listing of these staff members is available at