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2020 Data Quality Institute Virtual Series

Operationalizing Perkins V While Coping with COVID-19

The 2020 Data Quality Institute (DQI) virtual series—Operationalizing Perkins V While Coping with COVID-19—focused on key career and technical education (CTE) topics states were addressing. On this page you’ll find recorded sessions and links to related materials. To view the DQI framework and specific session topics and dates, click here.

If you have questions about the 2020 DQI, please contact the meeting coordinator, Olivia Rice, at or (919) 541-7011. For any additional questions, please contact Jamelah Murrell at


Jump to a Session:
Connect Session
Perkins V: Accountability 101 Session
Aligning Perkins V Data and Methods of Administration (MOA) Plans Session
Determining Concentrator Status Session
Quality Indicators
Local Needs Assessments and Applications Session
Data Collection for Special Populations Session
Report/Plan Session


Connect Session

August 5, 2020


The eight session series kicked-off with this "Connect" session, designed to enable state CTE directors (or their delegate) to share lessons learned and innovative strategies developed during the Perkins V plan development and to discuss impacts of COVID on implementing plans. Speakers: Sharon Miller (OCTAE) and Scott Stump (OCTAE)

Perkins V: Accountability 101 Session

August 26, 2020


This "Accountability 101" session, geared for new State CTE staff, provided an overview of Perkins accountability requirements, performance indicators, State definitions of numerators and denominators, and State determined levels of performance. Speaker: Jose Figueroa (OCTAE)

Aligning Perkins V Data and Methods of Administration (MOA) Plans Session

September 2, 2020


This "Learn" session focused on helping States align their civil rights work under both the Methods of Administration (MOA) program and Perkins, to ensure equal access and success for all career and technical education students. Speakers: Sharon Miller (OCTAE), Maria Litsakis (Office for Civil Rights), Marilyn Fountain (OCTAE), State Panelists (Arizona, Colorado, Maryland, and New Jersey)

Determining Concentrator Status Session

September 14, 2020


This "Learn" session focused on key considerations for determining concentrator status and provided opportunities for participants to understand how states have operationalized concentrator definitions. The session also provided opportunities for participants to collaborate and discuss concentrator data collection and reporting strategies. Speakers: Sharon Miller (OCTAE), Jose Figueroa (OCTAE), State Panelists (Arkansas, Idaho, Montana, and New Mexico)

Quality Indicators Session

September 23, 2020


This "Learn" session focused on key considerations for defining program quality indicators and provided opportunities for participants to understand how states are implementing program quality indicators. The session also provided participants opportunities to collaborate and discuss program quality indicator data collection and reporting strategies. Speakers: Sharon Miller (OCTAE), Jose Figueroa (OCTAE), State Panelists (Louisiana, Kansas, Oklahoma, District of Columbia, Utah, and Vermont)

Local Needs Assessment and Applications Session

September 30, 2020


This "Learn" session provided an overview of the Comprehensive Local Needs Assessments (CLNA) legislation and gave participants opportunities to learn how other states are implementing CLNA. Speakers: Sharon Miller (OCTAE), Marilyn Fountain (OCTAE), State Panelists (Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, and Pennsylvania)

Data Collection for Special Populations Session

October 7, 2020


The objectives of this "Learn" session were to increase understanding of and awareness of strategies for data collection for special populations, with a focus on the new special populations in Perkins V. The session also provided participants opportunities to understand how states are collecting and using special populations data. Speakers: Sharon Miller (OCTAE), Allison Hill (OCTAE), State Panelists (Delaware, Montana, Pennsylvania, and Temple College in Texas)

Report/Plan Session

November 5, 2020


The objectives of this final session were to provide a synthesis of and reflect on the topics from the series and offer a final opportunity for states to network and discuss common topics of interest. RTI International presented key highlights from the series that are presented in the DQI final report linked below. The session included an Accountability 102 presentation that covered details on the Consolidated Annual Report and levels of performance; a presentation from Advance CTE related to their report on state priorities found in Perkins V plans; and a panel on work-based learning including a focus on the big picture, a state example of how to define and code work-based learning, and a state example of approaches to virtual work-based learning. Speakers: Sharon Miller (OCTAE), Olivia Rice (RTI International), Jose Figueroa (OCTAE), Austin Estes (Advance CTE), and Work-based Learning Panelists (RTI International, Louisiana, and Iowa)