Massachusetts Work-Based Learning Plan, to document participation in and skills gained through the state’s Connecting Activities initiative. Users can document specific job placement information, such as wages earned, and student reflections on their WBL experiences.',image:{title:"Icon for Overview",src:"images/img/04_Collecting WBL Data/ProcessIcon.svg"}},{title:"Uses",body:"The database includes checklists of core competencies for 44 programs of study, which are filled out before and after a student’s WBL placement. These checklists, plus others for foundational skills, can be used as pre- and post- diagnostic tools to assess student employability and technical skill gains as a result of WBL participation. Employers also can enter performance reports into the database.",image:{title:"Icon for Uses",src:"images/img/04_Collecting WBL Data/OutcomesIcon.svg"}},{title:"Resources",body:'The MACR database includes options for users to generate customized student reports and offers resources for employers, such as sample job descriptions and crosswalks of work tasks to student skills. The state also developed a resource guide to support use of the WBL plan.',image:{title:"Icon for Resources",src:"images/img/04_Collecting WBL Data/ResourcesIcon.svg"}}]}}})