To develop the tool kit contents, NCICTE staff reviewed the WBL literature, conducted phone interviews with state, local, and business stakeholders, and performed a scan of existing technical assistance (TA) resources to support WBL implementation.",blocks:{info:[{title:"Literature Review",body:'To identify the components of a comprehensive WBL program, NCICTE staff reviewed academic publications, federal legislation, and state policy documents. This review led to the identification of three common elements of WBL programs, as depicted in the WBL Framework, and informed the resource review process described to the right.',class:"review",image:{src:"images/Literature_Review_Icon.svg",title:"Literature Icon"}},{title:"Stakeholder Interviews",body:"In order to learn about WBL TA needs from different perspectives, NCICTE staff conducted interviews with state and local WBL administrators and employers in five states (Colorado, Massachusetts, Tennessee, Virginia, and Washington) and with two national business organizations. The following four themes emerged from the interviews: 1) developing a statewide WBL strategy, 2) engaging employers, 3) collecting data on WBL activities, and 4) scaling effective programs. These themes are represented as separate resource pages in the tool kit.",class:"interviews",image:{src:"images/Stakeholder_Icon.svg",title:"Interviews Icon"}},{title:"Resource Scan and Review Process",body:"NCICTE staff identified over 100 resources on WBL through recommendations from interviewees and other contacts; state and organizational website reviews; and a broad web search for WBL resources. Resources were included in the tool kit if they addressed one or more of the three WBL framework components and aligned with the implementation themes that emerged during the stakeholder interviews. ",class:"scan",image:{src:"images/Resource_Icon.svg",title:"Scan Icon"}}]}})