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A list of online resources on such topics as diversion programs, special education, career and technical education, other workforce development strategies, strategic partnerships, and data collection and evaluation.

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This bulletin outlines new approaches for young adult justice that align with brain development of youth ages 18 to 24. The authors suggest raising the age of juvenile court jurisdiction to 21 and providing additional protections for young adults up to age 25.

Source: Vincent Schiraldi, Bruce Western, and Kendra Bradner. Harvard Kennedy School and the National Institute of Justice. September 2015.

This toolkit offers guidelines, tools, and resources to help education providers implement the Reentry Education Framework. The framework promotes the development of an education continuum spanning facility- and community-based reentry education programs.

Source: U.S. Department of Education. 2020.


This guide proposes 10 steps to transform the local and state juvenile justice system, with the goals of protecting public safety and improving outcomes for justice-involved youth. The evidence base and examples are included for each step.

Source: David Muhammad. National Institute for Criminal Justice Reform. February 2019.

This guide synthesizes scientific and practical evidence to help community coalitions, public health professionals, and other stakeholders develop, implement, and evaluate sustainability plans. The guide proposes 10 steps to sustaining a coalition and offers strategies for each step.

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

This report provides information and statistics about the rates of special education needs among youth in the "delinquency system". Additionally, it includes a section on recent legal and policy reforms involving homeless and disabled youth as well as justice involved youth.

Source: Peter Leone, University of Maryland. Lois Weinberg, California State University, Los Angeles. 2012.

AdvanceCTE is a membership organization for state career and technical education (CTE) leaders. The AdvanceCTE website includes a resource center searchable by topic or state, fact sheets on key CTE issues, and profiles of state CTE systems.

Source: AdvanceCTE.

This 400-page report describes an evaluation of Ohio's Behavioral Health/Juvenile Justice (BHJJ) initiative, which provided community-based behavioral health services intead of detention to youth involved with the justice system in 12 counties. See the Executive Summary for a bulleted list of findings related to mental/behavioral health outcomes and program completion and recidivism information. The full report describes the initiative design and implementation, data collection methodology and instruments, and the mental health and justice-related outcomes.

Source: Fredrick Butcher, PhD; Jeff Kretschmar, PhD; Liuhong Yang, MS; David Rinderle, BA; and Margarid Turnamian, BA. August 2020.

This website provides apprenticeship resources for individuals, employers, and education partners, including fact sheets, the Apprenticeship Job Finder, and data and statistics.

Source: U.S. Department of Labor.

The Association for Career & Technical Education (ACTE) is a membership organization for CTE professionals. The ACTE website provides background information on CTE and on federal and state CTE policies.

Source: Association for Career & Technical Education.

This guide describes a framework for developing a cross-agency approach to integrating behavioral health interventions into diversion programs for individuals who have been involved in the justice system. Components of the framework include establishing community partnerships, identifying community behavioral health needs and available resources, and tracking progress toward key metrics.

Source: Council of State Governments Justice Center. October 2019.

This literature review summarizes research support and best practices for youth diversion programs, offering practitioners guidance on the full range of diversion services, including case management, screening and assessment, and data and evaluation, fostering cross-agency partnerships. The authors also describe the features of differing models of youth diversion programs and summarize the evidence and empirical support for each model.

Source: Jill Farrell, Aaron Betsinger, and Paige Hammond. The Institute for Innovation and Implementation, University of Maryland School of Social Work. August 2018.

This guide provides an overview of blended learning, which combines in-person and online instruction, and describes considerations for its use in adult education programs. Topics range from selecting an online learning platform to understanding how formative assessment and portfolios might be used with blended learning. The appendix provides a comprehensive list of resources, tools, and platforms to support blended learning.

Source: David J. Rosen and Carmine Stewart. Essential Education.

This report summarizes the results of an evaluation of the Year Up program, which provides 6 months of full-time training in the IT and financial services sectors. The evaluation provides details of program culture, implementation, funding, implementation challenges, curriculum delivery, and recruitment of potential interest to providers seeking to implement similar training programs. The authors report on positive impacts of the program on wages, employment in career-track jobs, and college admisions.

Source: David Fein and Jill Hamadyk. Abt Associates. May 2018.

The Building Community Resilience (BCR) Toolkit series includes four volumes designed to introduce and explain components of the BCR model: Shared Understanding, State of Readiness, Cross-Sector Partners, and Community. The fourth toolkit focuses on sustainability and includes three tools to help coalition partners assess their capacity for sustainable change, plan for sustainability, and engage residents and members of the community.

Source: Strategies TA.

This general toolkit for career pathways offers a step-by-step look at the different elements needed for a successful career pathways system. This could be useful to people in diversion programs to help understand the process and how it could link to a diversion program.

Source: Employment and Training Administration, U.S. Department of Labor. October 2016.

This working paper is the source document for the infographic cited above. Produced by the CALDER center in conjunction with the University of Washington, this paper uses longitudinal data for secondary school students in Washington state to study the outcomes of students with disabilities participating in career and technical education as compared with their able peers. They find that students with disabilities who are categorized as "CTE concentrators" have better outcomes than those who just participated in some CTE courses. They also find that the more inclusion in general education courses students with disabilities have, the better their outcomes.

Source: Roddy Theobald, Dan Goldhaber, Trevor Gratz, and Kristian L. Holden. National Center for Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Education Research. September 2017.

The U.S. Department of Labor's career, training, and job search website is designed for job seekers, employers, students, and career advisors.

Source: U.S. Department of Labor.

Certificate programs through the Center for Juvenile Justice Reform at Georgetown University for law enforcement professionals and those already working in the juvenile justice field on the practice and implementation of programs for youth involved with the welfare or juvenile justice systems.

Source: Center for Juvenile Justice Reform, Georgetown University.

The Center on PBIS, funded by the U.S. Department of Education, provides resources and information to assist educators in implementing systems to support students with disabilities, including those involved with the juvenile justice system.

Source: Center on Positive Behavioral Intervention & Supports.

This checklist is designed to help education providers bridge the gap between reentry education, and career pathways (through which participants gain credentials and hopefully employment). It offers steps and organizations/resources for connecting existing programs to career pathways.

Source: Reentry Education Framework.

The Tools & Resources page on the Coalitions Work website features tools to support all stages of coalition building, including coaltion start-up, planning, assessment and evaluation, and sustainability. Example tools are a readiness and needs assessment, model commitment letter, and a descripton of coalition member roles and responsibilies.

Source: Coalitions Work.

This guide provides a college and career readiness framework that defines both the unique and shared components of college readiness and career readiness. The authors offer advice to "navigators"—i.e., teachers, counselors, advisors, youth workers, or mentors—on how to integrate the two in preparing students for the workforce and inform students on how to jointly address career and college planning.

Source: Constancia Warren, Robin White, Ivan Charner, Lisa Johnson, Risa Sackman, Cole McMahon, and Amanda McMahon. FHI360. March 2019.

This section, part of a larger guide to promote community health and development, focuses on strategies for sustaining coalitions. It also presents alternatives to maintaining coalitions and describes when they might be appropriate (e.g., growing, spinning off, changing focus, cutting back, or ending).

Source: Center for Community Health and Development, University of Kansas.

This bulletin outlines new approaches for young adult justice that align with brain development of youth ages 18 to 24. The authors suggest raising the age of juvenile court jurisdiction to 21 and providing additional protections for young adults up to age 25.

Source: Vincent Schiraldi, Bruce Western, and Kendra Bradner. Harvard Kennedy School and the National Institute of Justice. September 2015.

This report defines the role of apprenticeships in preparing young adults for the workforce, identifies promising practices for community-based organizations to connect underrepresented youth populations to registered apprenticeships, and provides recommendations to build those connections.

Source: Michael Sack and Lili Allen. JFF. March 2019.

This white paper covers best practices and lessons to be learned and applied in the juvenile justice system. In its second part, it offers guidance on appropriate implementation of these best practices. While not all examples can translate to diversion, some of them are general enough that they would be applicable.

Source: Elizabeth Seigle, Nastassia Walsh, and Josh Weber. The Council of State Governments Justice Center prepared this paper with support from, and in partnership with, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation and the Bureau of Justice Assistance, U.S. Department of Justice. The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. July 2014.

The Sequential Intercept Model (SIM) focuses on addressing mental and substance abuse disorders among individuals involved with the criminal justice system. This guide describes sources and methods of SIM data collection to better understand connections between and pathways through the behavioral health and criminal justice systems.

Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. 2019.

This guide provides an overview of the rationale for and process to develop criminal justice diversion programs for young adults aged 18–25. It outlines three stages for planning a diversion program and provides implementation tips and profiles of eight programs (in the appendix).

Source: Jillian Stein, Katie Bodenlos, Armando Yanez, Johanna Lacoe, and Jillian Berk. Mathematica Policy Research, for the U.S. Department of Labor. August 2017.

This policy brief provides an overview of two key concepts used to describe the juvenile justice population: Disproportionate Minority Confinement (DMC) and Relative Rate Index (RRI). The author explains how the concepts are measured and provides examples from drug offenses, property crimes, and status offenses.

Source: Joshua Rovner, The Sentencing Project. May 2014.

This literature review covers the theoretical foundation, components, limitations, and evidence of effectiveness of diversion programs. Recent developments in the setting and types of diversion programs are discussed.

Source: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. February 2017.

This resource provides a list of dos and don'ts to inform changes to policy and practice for young adults in the juvenile and adult criminal justice system. The advice is intended to support states and localities in efficiently using resources to improve outcomes for justice-involved young adults.

Source: The Council of State Governments Justice Center. September 2017.

This research brief summarizes research and trends in youth employment, focusing on reduced employment among minority youth, the connection between youth unemployment and involvement with the criminal justice system, and the consequences of youth unemployment on educational and workforce outcomes. The authors propose strategies for improving employment outcomes for young men of color, provide policy recommendations, and profile initiatives and programs that have successfully promoted employment among minority youth.

Source: Kisha Bird and Clarence Okoh. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. September 2016.

This environmental scan provides an overview of programs that address the developmental needs of justice-involved young adults. Common features across these programs include case management, intensive services, education and vocational training, mental health and substance abuse treatment, and assistance with housing and employment.

Source: Connie Hayek, National Institute of Justice. June 2016.

This site offers a collection of resources on how to leverage the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) to support career pathways for secondary, postsecondary, and adult students. The site includes reports, guides, and tools, including a policy brief summarizing Perkins V and a guide to cross-sector partnerships.

Source: ExcelinEd.

This white paper synthesizes research on strategies designed to reduce recidivism and improve outcomes for justice-involved youth. It also provides lessons learned from practice at the state and local levels.

Source: The Council of State Governments Justice Center. July 2014.

This resource includes information on the findings of the National Institute of Justice study group on the Transition from Juvenile Delinquency to Adult Crime on the age-crime curve, persistence, desistance, onset, special categories of offenders, preventive actions for known delinquents, and financial benefits and costs of interventions. Research and policy recommendations and full text of the study group's reports are included.

Source: National Institute of Justice. 2014.

This toolkit provides summaries of federal funding programs and templates for identifying funding sources for career pathways components. Although the information on the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act is outdated, the concept of braiding funding from different sources can still be applied.

Source: Center for Law and Social Policy. February 2016.

The Funding Resource Center provides access to current and past Office of Justice Programs (OJP) funding opportunities, information, and resources for potential OJP funding applicants, and grantee training and technical assistance opportunities.

Source: Office of Justice Programs (OJP), U.S. Department of Justice.

From ExcelinEd's Career and Technical Education (CTE) Playbook series, this guide describes how states fund CTE programs and offers recommendations on how to maximize the impact of CTE funding on student and program outcomes. It may help diversion programs interested in leveraging state or federal CTE funding to support programming.

Source: ExcelinEd. 2019.

The GAINS Center website provides resources for behavioral health providers serving youth and adults who have been involved in the justice system. Resources include links to treatment court locators and training opportunities, including information on the center's trauma-informed response training.

Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

This mobile-friendly website is a one-stop resource to help individuals ages 16 to 24 plan and achieve their career, education, and employment goals. It offers easy-to-use tools, information, videos, links to resources, and more to help young adults explore career options, learn about education and training opportunities, and find a job.

Source: U.S. Department of Labor.

Grants 101 provides an overview of the types of funding offered by the Office of Justice Programs and a step-by-step description of the grant process.

Source: Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice.

On, federal agencies post discretionary funding opportunities for grantees to find and apply for.

Source: U.S. Office of Management and Budget.

This guide offers guidance on how to create policies for diversion programs. While this is specific to the Pennsylvania context, the same process could be applied to developing reasonable and coherent policy in other states.

Source: Diversion Subcommittee of the Mental Health/Juvenile Justice state work group of the Models for Change Initiative in Pennsylvania. September 2010.

This brief from the American Policy Youth Forum looks at how the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA) and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) can support a range of postsecondary options for students in general, but more specifically for students with disabilities. It looks at the data link between education and employment outcomes, explores the integration of college and career readiness practices for students with disabilities and how that increases their postsecondary and career opportunities, features analysis of relevant sections of ESSA and IDEA, and provides examples and guidance, as well as models for states to use in adopting college and career readiness for students with disabilities. NOTE: While this is very much focused on students with disabilities, some parallels could possibly be drawn between the benefits of college and career readiness training for students with disabilities and students in the juvenile justice system.

Source: Jenna Tomasello and Betsy Brand, American Youth Policy Forum. College & Career Readiness and Success Center. January 2018.

This handbook outlines key steps for creating and implementing distance education and blended learning programs. Chapters describe how to recruit, screen, and prepare learners for distance learning; how to select instruction and assessment approaches; and how to provide administrative supports, such as professional development. The appendix includes tools and templates, such as a learner intake survey and tips for using webinars.

Source: Jenifer Vanek, Destiny Simpson, Jerome Johnston, and Leslie I. Petty. IDEAL Consortium, World Education. August 2018.

This toolkit presents evidence-based best practices and tools to ensure justice-involved youth with disabilities have full access to a free and appropriate public education. It provides information and resources to cultivate a safe and supportive environment within facilities, connect youth with disabilities to educational services and support their transition back into the community, and coordinate the efforts of agencies and organizations serving these youth.

Source: Office of Special Education Programs, U.S. Department of Education.

JPI convened advocates, policymakers, practitioners, funders, and justice-impacted individuals to discuss the opportunities and challenges of serving justice-involved young adults. These resources cover the following themes that emerged from the convenings: (1) the justice reform field should seize the opportunity to improve the approach to young adults; (2) an improved approach to young adults should be community based, collaborative, and draw on the strengths of young adults; and (3) the field needs tools and reforms to law, policy, and practice to develop a more effective approach for young adults.

Source: Justice Policy Institute (JPI). December 2016.

This guide outlines a process for mapping and coordinating community resources available to assist youth with disabilities in achieving education and post-school outcomes. Although the target population in the guide is youth with disabilities, the resource offers general guidance on how to better align programs offering services to youth and families that will be useful to juvenile justice practitioners.

Source: Kelli Crane and Marianne Moody. National Center on Secondary Education and Transition (NCSET). May 2005.

This guide presents information for employers on how to offer inclusive internships (including to interns with disabilities). There are sections on the benefits of employing youth and adults with disabilities as interns, as well as rules and processes for setting up and running an internship program for students with disabilities. This is not directly related to diversion, but the same principles could be applied.

Source: Office of Disability Employment Policy, U.S. Department of Labor.

This brief discusses innovations on using and implementing diversion programs, using Pennsylvania as the context. It is geared toward professionals working in the field of juvenile justice and diversion.

Source: Models for Change: Systems Reform in Juvenile Justice. December 2011.

Overall, this white paper is about ways in which employment and career training reduces risks of recidivism among people involved in the justice system. Although the paper focuses on justice-involved adults, its guidance on using an assessment-based approach to providing pre-release and post-release services is also applicable to the justice-involved young adult population.

Source: Le'Ann Duran, Martha Plotkin, Pheobe Potter, and Henry Rosen. The Council of State Governments for the Annie E. Casey Foundation; Bureau of Justice Assistance, U.S. Department of Justice; and U.S. Department of Labor. September 2013.

This brief summarizes the evidence for how diversion initiatives can provide alternatives to formal justice involvement and explains the need for such initiatives to incorporate education and training.

Source: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Career and Technical Education. August 2021.

This brief summarizes federal requirements for a free appropriate public education (FAPE) for students with disabilities and highlights challenges that complicate efforts to ensure a FAPE for students with disabilities in the juvenile justice system.

Source: Joseph C. Gagnon, Nicholas W. Read, and Simon Gonsoulin. The National Technical Assistance Center for the Education of Neglected or Delinquent Children and Youth. December 2015.

This report describes the structure, features, implementation, and scale-up of the Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative, which is designed to reduce reliance on detention for low-risk youth in the juvenile justice system. Practitioners seeking to implement or scale up similar programs will find helpful information on the features and strategies of the initiative, implementation challenges and successes, and lessons drawn from similar initiatives.

Source: S. Guckenberg, A. Stern, H. Sutherland, G. Lopez, and A. Petrosino. WestEd Justice and Prevention Research Center. February 2019.

This guidebook, while giving an overview on how a juvenile diversion program works and what needs to be considered when beginning one, also features a section on ensuring program integrity and performing an outcome evaluation on these programs.

Source: Models for Change Juvenile Diversion Workgroup. March 2011.

This report is an example of juvenile diversion programs at the state level. It includes such issues as, why diversion is important, definitions and eligibility evaluation, and phases and steps in the North Carolina diversion process. This resource could be a useful example of how diversion is being implemented on a state level.

Source: Division of Juvenile Justice, North Carolina Department of Public Safety. July 2013.

This executive summary of a research study on soft skills briefly describes five clusters of skills that would increase youth workforce success: higher-order thinking skills, communication, positive self-concept, self-control, and social skills.

Source: Laura H. Lippman, Renee Ryberg, Rachel Carney, and Kristin A. Moore. Child Trends. June 2015.

This website provides policy makers, program designers, and other practitioners with national- and state-level data on children and families, including demographics; housing data; and metrics of child health, safety, and economic well-being.

Source: Annie E. Casey Foundation.

The Literacy Information and Communication System (LINCS) platform for adult learners includes the Integrating Technology discussion group and an option to filter technology and learning resources in the resource collection.

Source: U.S. Department of Education.

This research brief surveys and summarizes data collection practices on juvenile recidivism in 50 states and offers five recommendations for collecting, analyzing, and using recividism data to improve accountability and outcomes for youth involved in the juvenile justice system.

Source: The National Reentry Resource Center (A project of the CSG Justice Center). July 2014.

This web-based guide for juvenile justice practitioners outlines 10 steps to implement a pre-adjudication diversion program. It provides a brief summary of juvenile diversion programs and summarizes lessons learned from the research for each step. Users can review the entire guide or select particular steps, which range from conducting a needs asssessment to procuring funding, providing program training, and ensuring sustainability.

Source: Development Services Group, Inc. for the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. 2017.

This guide is designed for people beginning a diversion program to learn about policy and process. It offers opportunities to learn about how to set program goals and collect data regarding need, including types of programs that can be offered.

Source: Office of Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.

National Digital Inclusion Alliance is an organization advocating for public policy to address the digital divide for low-income individuals. Its website includes a list of free and low-cost internet plans, interviews with stakeholders focused on digital inclusion, and other resources for policymakers and practitioners.

Source: National Digital Inclusion Alliance.

This fact sheet offers a short breakdown on the prevalence of special education needs among students in the juvenile justice system and outlines federal programs to assist with this. There is also a section on youth with disabilities within the general population.

Source: N.W. Read. The National Evaluation and Technical Assistance Center for the Education of Children and Youth Who Are Neglected, Delinquent, or At-Risk. December 2014.

National Technical Assistance Center on Transition provides technical assistance and a collection of resources to stakeholders involved in supporting special education students' transition from education to college and the workforce.

Source: National Technical Assistance Center on Transition.

This report examines the collaboration between justice and workforce development systems at the state level. The report provides recommendations to close the gaps between the two groups in order to better serve justice-involved youth.

Source: Edward DeJesus and Shaena Fazal (Youth Advocate Programs) and Kristal Romero and Thomas Showalter (National Youth Employment Coalition). December 2017.

This report provides information on strategies and lessons learned for reducing recidivism, health interventions, and cost savings from a national survey of over 100 diversion programs and initiatives. The appendices include a list and descriptions of the diversion programs.

Source: Center for Health & Justice at TASC. December 2013.

This research brief describes the benefits and characteristics of "now jobs"—subsidized employment, short- and long-term internships, community service, and unsubsidized employment that can provide youth with work experience—and provides examples of two programs that have successfully promoted these jobs in their local communities.

Source: Ranita Jain and Amy Blair. The Aspen Institute Workforce Strategies Initiative. June 2018.

O*Net provides career exploration resources for job seekers, featuring a database with details on nearly a thousand occupations, including descriptions of typical job tasks; required knowledge, skills, and abilities; relevant credentials; and wages.

Source: U.S. Department of Labor.

The U.S. Department of Education's Office of Educational Technology (OET) develops national education technology policy and establishes the vision for how technology can be used to support teaching and learning. OET also offers technology resources and publications for teachers, administrators, and policymakers, including a parent and family digital learning guide.

Source: Office of Educational Technology, U.S. Department of Education.

The Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services at the U.S. Department of Education provides leadership and administers federal funding for special education, vocational rehabilitation, and other services in the United States and provides related resources and information. It includes the Office of Special Education Programs, which focuses on individuals ages 21 and below with disabilities, and the Rehabilitative Services Administration, which focuses on individuals with disabilities seeking employment, independence, and integration in the community and competitive labor market.

Source: U.S. Department of Education.

Open Educational Resources (OER) Commons is an open-source model for online educational learning materials and provides access to OER teaching and learning materials that are free to use. It currently offers approximately 50,000 OERs, which include full university courses; interactive mini-lessons and simulations; open textbooks; and lesson plans, worksheets, and activities for all education levels (including career and technical and adult education).

Source: OER Commons.

The PROGRESS (Promoting Rigorous Outcomes and Growth by Redesigning Educational Services for Students With Disabilities Center) website provides information, resources, tools, and technical assistance services to local educators and leaders in developing and implementing high-quality educational programs for students with disabilities.

Source: American Institutes for Research on behalf of the Office of Special Education Programs, U.S. Department of Education.

The U.S. Department of Education developed the Perkins Collaborative Resource Network to share information on national CTE legislation, grant programs, initiatives, current funding opportunities, and convenings and conferences.

Source: U.S. Department of Education.

This guide proposes a continuum of care model featuring evidence-based and data-informed services for youth, defines the components of a continuum of care (prevention, early intervention, intensive intervention, out-of-home treatment, and community reeintegration), and offers examples of promising community-based programs to serve as a model. The authors conclude with a series of recommendations for building a community of care for transition-aged youth.

Source: Mara Sanchez, Erica King, and Jill Ward. Maine Center for Juvenile Policy and Law. March 2019.

A series of four reports developed by Luminary Labs describes how educational technology can be used in adult education. The reports focus on using technology for math instruction, identifying frameworks for investing in technology, developing and deploying technology, and exploring case studies of how state and local organizations use technology with adult learners.

Source: Luminary Labs. 2017–19.

This guide describes eight principles for behavioral health providers working with individuals involved in the justice system. It also presents research-based answers to frequently asked questions related to criminal justice, collaboration, providing services, and outcomes.

Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). 2019.

The article describes the results of an environmental scan of developmentally appropriate programs for justice involved youth. It gives an overview of the programs and relevant legislation and provides a link to the full text of the environmental scan.

Source: National Institute of Justice. July 2016.

This toolkit provides information and tools to support behavioral health care providers in screening and responding to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). It describes the ACE Aware initiative and organizes content around three fact sheets—screen, treat, and heal—that provide an overview of tools and practices to screen clients for adverse childhood experiences and implement evidence-based interventions for toxic stress. For providers in California, the toolkit also provides information on accessing Medicaid funding for screening.

Source: National Crittenton Foundation. 2020.

This report describes how justice involvement and socioeconomic factors that contribute to involvement with the justice system disproportionately impact communites of color. It outlines an "anti-incarceration and reinvestment strategy" based on improving access to high-quality career pathways, school discipline reform, access to mental health services, and building collaboration across agencies and organizations serving youth.

Source: Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP). June 2016.

This policy brief outlines the developmental differences between youth and older adults and describes the specific needs of justice-involved young adults. It provides recommendations for practitioners, policymakers, and researchers to improve outcomes for the population.

Source: The Council of State Governments Justice Center. November 2015.

This toolkit offers guidelines, tools, and resources to help education providers implement the Reentry Education Framework. The framework promotes the development of an education continuum spanning facility- and community-based reentry education programs.

Source: U.S. Department of Education. 2020.

This paper provides a history of risk assessment and offender rehabilitation and details the risk-need-responsivity model. It also discusses issues around applying the model in real work settings.

Source: James Bonta, (Public Safety Canada) and D.A. Andrews (Carleton University). February 2007.

This report summarizes evidence-based practices in the screening and assessment of adults in the justice system for mental illness and/or substance use issues. It also describes how to select and compare screening instruments for mental and substance abuse disorders, suicide risk, trauma and PTSD, motivation and readiness, and more.

Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). June 2019.

This report describes the evaluation of a Seattle-based initiative to divert individuals arrested for low-level drug- and prostitution-related offenses from incarceration to supportive services, including a "harm reduction" case-management model that connects individuals with various community and health services to meet their goals. Using a nonrandomized, controlled evaluation, the authors observed statistically significant declines in arrests and criminal charges for those who participated in the initiative compared to those who did not participate.

Source: Susan E. Collins, Heather S. Lonczak, and Seema L. Clifasefi. May 2017. Evaluation and Program Planning, vol. 64, page 49-56.

This worksheet from Trauma-Informed Oregon offers benchmarks for assessing the extent to which trauma-informed care is being used within local agencies or programs. Benchmarks focus on agency commitment and endorsement, environment and safety, workforce development, services and service delivery, and systems change and progress monitoring.

Source: Portland State University. March 2018.

This literature review (created by the OMNI Institute for the state of Colorado) offers a review of the background, features and best practices, tools, and evaluation practices for diversion programs. Particularly, the section on program evaluation offers different types of evaluations including process evaluation and program fidelity. It also offers sections how long- and short- term outcomes and the types of research designs have been used in evaluating outcomes for diversion programs.

Source: Chandra Winder and Jean Denious, OMNI Institute. Submitted to the Colorado Division of Criminal Justice.

While it is fairly specific to instances of working with youth who have experienced trauma in a diversion setting, it offers sections on "workforce development" which includes staff training on issues with working in trauma-informed settings.

Source: National Center for Mental Health and Juvenile Justice. 2016.

This guide presents a disability diagnosis-based guide for supporting individuals exiting the justice system. Disability diagnoses include: mental illness, substance use disorder, traumatic brain injury, intellectual and developmental disabilities, autism, learning disabilities, and hearing-based disabilities. For each disability, it provides relevant definitions, information on how this disability relates to the criminal justice system, and general resources on that disability.

Source: Cherie Takemoto, New Editions Consulting, Inc. For the U.S. Department of Education. November 2016.

This tool provides guidance on how to maintain buy-in and engagement from a diverse team of stakeholders and partner organizations. It provides a self-assessment tool to help partners gauge their success and capacity in each of the seven components of sustainable community change.

Source: Tamarack Institute. 2017.

This brief outlines three strategies for rural communities to address behavioral health services in the justice system. The strategies include leveraging technology, building on established programs, and matching resources to the community's needs.

Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). June 2019.

This guide for educators offers a comprehensive overview of how to use Flipgrid in instructional settings. Flipgrid is a free video-sharing tool with which educators create grids, or communities of learners, and both educators and students can post and communicate by video. Topics in this guide include understanding the Flipgrid lingo, customizing and managing the tool, and connecting with the larger user community. It also provides four examples of innovative uses of the tool. Note: see the EdTech Tools document for information on Flipgrid.

Source: Sean Fahey, Karly Moura, and Jennifer Saarinen, Version 4, Fall 2019.

This website introduces and describes the "Sequential Intercept Model." This model describes how individuals with mental and substance use disorders progress through the criminal justice system; the organizations and agencies they come into contact with at each stage; and considerations for diverting individuals from the criminal justice system to supportive services and interventions at each point in the process.

Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

Vicarious trauma results from exposure to the trauma of others and can impact law enforcement officers, firefighters, and other first responders. The Vicarious Trauma Toolkit includes organizational self-assessment tools and guides to develop vicarious trauma-informed organizations.

Source: Office for Victims of Crime, U.S. Department of Justice.

This guide demonstrates how insufficient emphasis on case processing represents an underutilized opportunity to reduce the use of detention among justice-involved youth, demonstrates the benefits of case processing reforms (e.g., expanded alternatives to detention, reduced use of warrants, reduced racial and gender disparities), describes common obstacles to reform, and provides case managers and policy makers with examples of effective approaches to reducing case processing delay and recommendations on how to identify opportunities for improvements. The guide includes a case processing reform checklist.

Source: Bart Lubow. Annie E. Casey Foundation. 2017.

This section of the Indian Health Service website provides training materials on trauma-informed care, including the history of trauma-informed care and resources for training care providers and supervisory staff.

Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

This webpage links to a document developed by adult educators in response to COVID-19 to describe their uses of the free WhatsApp platform to teach English language learners. It provides informal observations on how in-person teaching strategies, such as group projects or answering student questions, can be recreated using WhatsApp. Note: see the EdTech Tools document for information on WhatsApp.

Source: David Rosen. The Literacy Information and Communication System (LINCS). April 2020.

This infographic illuminates the gaps between disabled and nondisabled students (in on-time high school graduation rate, employment rates, postsecondary degrees), and shows data to suggest CTE concentrators with disabilities have better outcomes than their non-CTE peers.

Source: College and Career Readiness and Success Center.

This website is designed for workforce professionals, educators, and business leaders. It includes curated communities of interest, such as the Youth Connections Community (, webinars and other training resources, promising workforce development practices, and relevant evidence-based research.

Source: Employment and Training Administration, U.S. Department of Labor.

This brief list of education technology tools highlights tools used in a variety of learning settings that were compiled, in part, from a project discussion on digital learning. It is not a comprehensive list of available tools but includes sample communication, a learning management system, and general tools that can be used to support digital learning.

This report reviews the literature on justice-involved young adults from the United States and other countries, then presents an analysis of the arrest and jail admissions of young adults in Cook County, Illinois. Trends in policy and practice for justice-involved young adults are discussed.

Source: Kanako Ishida (Juvenile Justice Initiative). February 2015.

A collaborative effort of over 20 government agencies and offices, features a collection of resources to assist in career exploration and skill development for youth.

Source: U.S. Government.

This website features a collection of resources for policymakers, practitioners, and other stakeholders in young adult diversion; including reports, tools, guides, and agency contacts.

Source: U.S. Government.