State Profiles

The State Profiles in this section provide funding distributions for career and technical education (CTE), enrollment results for student populations, and State determined performance levels for core indicators.

Select a State/Territory:
Funding Distribution
Total Perkins V Grant Award:
Fiscal Year 2023
Fiscal Year 2023

U.S. Department of Education, National Perkins Reporting System, 2023


The data shown represent national averages. Not all States use the same distribution metrics or methodology. Funding distribution excludes territories/outlying areas that do not report budget data in the Perkins State plan.

Percentages may not sum to 100% due to rounding.

Career Cluster Enrollment

In 2020-21, there were about 3 million secondary and close to 1.9 million postsecondary career and technical education (CTE) concentrators nationwide.

The top four career clusters among secondary CTE concentrators were Health Science (15.6 percent); Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources (13.7 percent); Business Management & Administration (12.4 percent); and Arts, A/V Technology & Communications (11.4 percent).

The top four career clusters among postsecondary CTE concentrators were Health Science (27.9 percent); Business Management & Administration (15.3 percent); Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security (8.1 percent); and Information Technology (8 percent).

Career Cluster Enrollment for CTE Concentrators: 2020-21
  • Secondary
  • Postsecondary

U.S. Department of Education, National Perkins Reporting System, 2023


The data shown represent grand total results for students whom the States have identified as concentrators in career and technical education (CTE). Definitions of CTE concentrators are provided in the Glossary of Terms.

Not all States use all 16 clusters nor assign students in the same manner.

Participation in Career and Technical Education

In 2020-21, there were close to 12 million participants in career and technical education (CTE) nationwide. Of students reporting into male and female gender categories, males comprised 52.7 percent of secondary CTE participants and 45.9 percent of postsecondary CTE participants; females comprised 47.3 percent of secondary CTE participants and 53.9 percent of postsecondary CTE participants

Participation in Career and Technical Education, by Gender: 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21
  • Secondary
  • Postsecondary

U.S. Department of Education, National Perkins Reporting System, 2023


The data shown represent grand total results for students whom the States have identified as career and technical education (CTE) participants. Definitions of CTE participants are provided in the Glossary of Terms.

In 2020-21, totals for CTE participants include students who did not report as male or female. Trend data should be interpreted with caution. Percentages may not sum to 100% due to rounding.

State Determined Performance Levels

Under Perkins V, States are required to report annually on core indicators of performance for all CTE concentrators. Select a State from the menu above to view State determined performance levels.

Career and Technical Education Contacts

Contact information for the Division of Academic and Technical Education’s (DATE) Perkins Regional Coordinators is listed below. Click on a State to view State director information.

Perkins Regional Coordinators State Responsibilities
Marilyn Fountain
Education Program Specialist
Program Administration and Accountability
Division of Academic and Technical Education
(202) 987-1230
Jose Figueroa
Education Program Specialist
Program Administration and Accountability
Division of Academic and Technical Education
(202) 987-1397
Andrew Johnson
Program Specialist
Program Administration and Accountability
Division of Academic and Technical Education
(202) 987-1208
Sharon Head
Education Program Specialist
Program Administration and Accountability
Division of Academic and Technical Education
(202) 987-1381
Allison Hill
Education Program Specialist
Program Administration and Accountability
Division of Academic and Technical Education
(202) 987-1071